How to cancel / pause from my pill membership?

We’re sad to see you go!

Just so you know, when you cancel your contraceptive pill membership, you will no longer have access to practitioner consultations, follow-ups, or access to women's health information, and ongoing medical support.

If you would still like to continue with the cancellation of your Kin membership, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Go into your Kin profile and click Manage Order on the Pill modal
  2. Scroll down to the Your Kin Membership section on the Treatment Plan page
  3. Click 'edit' and Cancel Membership
  4. You'll be asked to select a reason for why you're cancelling. Please be honest as this allows us to improve the experience.
  5. Once your Kin membership has been cancelled, you will not receive any further deliveries of your pill.

Note: If your profile is currently under Review or in Follow Up, you will not have the option to cancel on your profile. In this case, please reach out to our support team through the Submit a Request button at the top of this page.