We know that women using hormonal contraception will have their ovarian function temporarily suppressed. This is because contraceptives work to prevent ovulation and pregnancy. Please know that normal ovarian function is expected to resume once you stop contraception.
For this reason, we will not test for ovulation hormones (LH, FSH and E2) if you are on contraception as the results will be inaccurate. However, we can test your Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) levels as it can be measured at any point throughout the menstrual cycle. AMH provides insight on your ovarian reserve (how many eggs you have) which can assist to calculate optimal timing to start a family. The test can also help to determine the fertility status of women at risk of diminished ovarian reserve (e.g. PCOS, family history of early menopause, autoimmune disease, patients who have undergone chemotherapy, ovarian surgery, etc).
There is some evidence to suggest that contraceptives may affect your AMH level. However, rest assured that your test results will be interpreted accordingly if you are on hormonal contraception. If your AMH level returns lower than expected, a repeat measurement should be completed 3 months after the contraceptive has been stopped to confirm if it is accurate. While AMH levels are a factor in achieving pregnancy, low or high levels are not the only indicator for chances of conception.
If you plan to cease hormonal contraception for your fertility test, we recommend waiting until your menstrual cycle returns for an accurate result. If you are unsure when to test after you have stopped your method of contraception, please message our Medical Support team here.